Friday, February 26, 2010

Public holiday???

I just found out 2 things today... think of it as enlightment hahaha
(hey i guess the long holiday i took is begining to pay off i'm thinking more clearly now hahaha ...)

Public holiday is actually a myth... coz it nvr actually happens, it's just a way to tell u that u can rest 8 more hours coz u've work too much extra the previous days and to boss can't compensate so somehow they manage to come out with this term called "Public Holiday" to con you into believing that if u work more and finish more work then you can enjoy a bit more. But its not... you'll end up working more than the 8hours of compensation.

but don't fret... this brings me to my second enlightment of the day ... ....
public holiday is for the public, not for those privately "owned" and since we are privately owned by the company that hire us... so there ain't such thing as a public holiday

so if you are thinking of having a good "public" holiday then consider a career in the "public" line or the goverment sector because the "private" line just don't have such thing haha


Anonymous said...

Erm...I had a great "Public" holiday =P.


Leech said...

hey u "missed" work ... public holiday is a myth~~~~ dun fall for it ~~~~ =p