Saturday, March 20, 2010

Law of Attraction

This law goes something like, if u want it, and dream and hope for it strong eoungh it, it will happen (or something like that) ... hmmmm..... well i've not doubting this so called law as i have my fair share of hopes and achievements.

I went to my diploma setting a goal that i must graduate with a min pointer of 2.6 and i got it. As i move on to my degree, i told myself i must graduate with a min pointer of 3.0, i got that too. Of course i've worked my ass off for the results but i did get what i want. This are the only two examples that i could think of for now. So yes, i want it hard enough and i got it. For my other examples, it doesn't run far away from work or school related, nothing much on the personal aspects of life.

I've never thought of getting in a relationship until i graduate from high school, so throughout those period (which happen to be among my best moment of my life) i've never put any thoughts into relationship. And come to think of it, if i had i might not be Mr. Lonely till today. Coming into my adulthood... I think the law still applies, i mean till today i doubt that i've put in much thought about getting a partner. If i had i might have one by now right? Or is it due the fact that there is nobody around that is able to start the spark in me? Should i focus more on my working self or should i start focusing on personal self? I'm 27 now and i'm already seeing a lot of my friends from my school days getting married or engaged or at least in a healthy relationship.


kampung guy said...

initially,u have set a goal in ur diploma and ur degree for good achievements. at last, u d it.well, may b u have set a goal for looking for a life partner(i guess but dunno when) but till now...

As i know, Law of attraction will just show its effectiveness when u have strong determination on certain things tat u wish to achieve or get.

So, be determined on what u want and take a proper action, try is better den no try and u'll have no regret on tiz matter after u try no matter how's the final outcome.

if u have found a target, Go ahead la...


CS Tee. :P

Leech said...

key word... "If"

i've not met anyone who is able to lit a spark in me yet... who knows... may be that person will never appear, or may have appear but i've not done anyting to keep her or may be she just have not apppear... just ... may be ....