Monday, March 16, 2009

Belated Bday Celeb ...

Well it's a belated bday celeb alright... but its a belated bday post haha... it's been more than 2 weeks now since my bday and ... well, i can't say that i didn't care ... i guess i'll blame it on my laziness again haha, i guess we can blame virtually anything on laziness :p...

Well this year is quite a special bday for me... coz within 48 hrs i've had 3 different bday cakes from 3 groups of people, first being my bro and my new sis, where they bought a beautiful and tasty chocolate cake. Too bad i wasnt able to sit down and enjoy it to the last piece as i was rusing back to Pg; 2nd from some Ernie n WY, where they bought a last minute cake; and last but not least my colleagues.

Well with the cake, they need a hero right ... so here he is

OMG, seriously... i can't begin to imagine how many of u feel like strangling my right now wuakakaka.... but as if i care :p

We had a short and simple celeb at the cafe but it was fun haha.... thx to all


Anonymous said...

Tak ajak.


Leech said...

Hey not my fault.. i'm not the organizer i just followed :( but u could hv asked to celeb with me yet u didn't hehe...

Sorry lar ~~~ hv a piece of cake from my pic. FOC =p

stanzabliss said...

i want that cake..
i want it i want it..