Sunday, September 06, 2009


Yea... i'm addicted to something nowadays... I usually spend my weekends at home watching youtubes and usually looking for some documentary and i got addicted to MythBuster then it was MonsterSearch then MegaStructure, er.. there was somethings on Ancient Civilation and Ancient Warriors well the list goes on.

Anyway my new addiction is still related to videos... now it's TED talks. I was first introduced to the talk via a friend's link in facebook but it was from youtube. Later thanks to Anupam who told me of th official site to the TED talks and since then i would visit the site few times a week looking for some interesting talks. The talks are nice and educational since the speakers are really good in what they do. So if u ever nid something to stimulate your mind, i would personally recomend it.


pinkylicious said...

You should listen to Malcolm Gladwell on spaghetti sauce. It's really good.

Leech said...

Haha.. the mind do not know what tpngue wants. I can relate to that, my mind do not know what my body wants nor do my conscious what my minds wants. It makes me think awhile about me and myself... hehehe... thx for the recomendation.

BTW i do post some nice talks on my FB sometimes, drop by my FB if interested :p