Wednesday, December 12, 2007

z Z z Z z Z z

After 2 days of holiday... well its not a good day to work. I finally decided to concentrate on the DDR thingy that my boss ask me to do so i started studying it today. Its either i no longer have that hunger for knowledge or i've grown blunt or its due to the holidays, while i was reading that damn thing my head got heavier and heavier, and i swear if i was sitting on a scale, the scale would go would bonkers due to the weight of my weight-increasing-head :p

After i gone through about 70% oni i noticed the reason behind me not understanding those stuff~~ i was reading it under the assumption that it was a board level thingy but instead, it was actually a silicon thingy instead =_=" no wonder i'm unable to get the picture... i was looking at the wrong hall trying to appreciate the wrong thing hahaha... after i got the hang of it the things start to make sense and i think i'm making progress hehe (hopefully)

Anyway its been the 4th day that the weather is like this... raining .. sigh~~ kinda moody u know... been having a lot of things on my mind; work, my colleague, and now "that" if it weren't for the squeeking rascal and the Moo Moo things might be betta if not different.. maybe... well i've made a decision and by hook or by crook, i'll live up to my words. Stick and stones could break my bones but words can never hurt me. 50 - 50 ??? HAHAHAHA~~~

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