Monday, September 10, 2007

A dream??

Today i woke up to a funny dream. Why do i say its funny... well basically its because i dreamt of someone, someone i know. I believe this is the 2nd time in my life that i've ever dreamt of someone i know but i can't recall who was the 1st person i dreamt of, it happen a few years back. Haha i wonder wat trigger me to dream of that person. I must be thinking too much lately hahaha...

It begin with us fooling around then both of us making a lot of noise then an accident and then ... ... RINGGGGGGGG~~~~ yup my alarm triggered.. its time to go to work =_=..

Good dream?? I dunno.. just that i find it kinda funny for me to actually dream of someone i know and me seeing the face hahhaa...

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