Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Malaysia International Fireworks Competition

The MIFC is the first malaysian event that i really look forward to going. In fact i've attend 3 of the 5 competition shows and witness the finale show and my comments.. worth every minute of it coz i really like the show, followed by the company going along with me to the show.

My first show was actually to watch Team Australia, Lee, HY and i started to plan to go for the show early in the week and we started asking for more company. Too bad, in the end it was down to 3 of us, SM got down wif fever so she din join us. So after work, we went to have our dinner b4 heading to Putrajaya. That nite is the first time i actually had a meal besides breakfast n lunch (and that dept dinner :p) wif my colleagues since i started working bout4 mths ago, i wish that i can do things like this more wif my colleagues, i mean hang out after work.. the feeling is nice. Anyway, we got there around 8++ and went for some sightseeing since it is the first time either of us been here. At about 930 we started moving, move as front as possible hoping to get the best view and we got a decent view of the fireworks and the show was simply mesmerizing. Really like the show, and their finale was simply breath taking... So from that point onwards i've been looking forward to going to the show.

Few n00b shoots of Australia's nice display.. sorry not as nice as l33t cameras..

My 2nd show was actually to watch Team Italy, this time i went wif the mouse and the cabbit. The day started off well but its jsut that later when we are going to putrajaya we were caught in a big massive jam. It was later that mousey ask me to pull over since its no point getting wif the traffic... so i pulled over and parked somewhere. To my suprise, we were able to see some fireworks from where we are. Well its not as magnificent as Australia but its better than nothing. I was a little dissapointed on missing the show but well at least i'm able to catch a glimsp of it here. Wasn't able to get any shots nor photos since we were sooooo far away. That night,

Words were said, things were done,
Just let the event run,
Tears were laid, sadness delayed,
There r just things better left unsaid

From we guess, why not invest,
In the truth n put our faith to the test.
When truth revealed n nothing is concealed,
Why can't the thing be real?

I had mix emotions that nite. Had it even b4 i got to Putrajaya. I guess there were things goin on in my head that really got me thinking... sigh~~~ i dunno.. just felt ... ... empty? I even said out something that i thought i've put behind to mouse but dunno y, when i was telling the tale, my eyes got watery.. OMG~~!! wat is wrong wif me???? How could i feel sad over something that i've put behind ??? Damn, i must be sick... Anyway, its not one of the best day in my life nor was it the worse... Guess i was in a mood swing that nite after i cleared some self-thoughts of mine so was kinda down after seeing the real picture. I guess this was true for all of us there. Well enuf bout that.. moving on...

Next show was Team Japan, it was on the eve of our country's indepedance day... i manage to get hold of Deric to go watch the fireworks together. He manage to get hold his frens which include Nobita, David, and the twins (jz a nick) . That night i was all alone in the office waiting for him to arrive. I sat there in the office seeing one by one, my colleagues leave... until i was the oni one left. Luckily for the Japanese in the product planning dept else i would be the oni soul in the office. We went to kajang for satay b4 moving on to the show which was by me impossible to get to. We started our satay at 10pm at kajang so by the time we left it was about 11... how do u expect to get into Putrajaya in 1 hr?? Mind i remind u the traffic.... In the end we manage to get a spot to watch the show.. its not that good but its better than Italy but nothing compare to Austrilia. Afte the show we went for some photoshots which lasted few hrs... After putrajaya we went to Petaling Street for breakfast... by then its been 24hrs since i slept.. damn tired... fun but damn tired haha...

After 4 hrs of waiting... finally, dinner.

Din take any shots of the fireworks but i did take some photo of the gang i went wif.. this is 1 of my favourite shot of the nite.

The last show was last sunday. It was the finale of the show.. it was suppose to be team global but somehow it end up to be team canada. Overall, the fireworks is just so-so... From a scale of 1 to 10 i would most likely give it a 6.7 tops. The trip was fun too. It was just the 5 of us, Deric, Nbt, David, Colleen and me. Took some nice photos while experimenting wif my camera. Its not picture perfect but i guess its a breakthrough for me to be able to play around wif the camera.. haha..A beautiful night scene bridge in Putrajaya.. tis is taken using Manual mode + some after photo editing using photoshop... its not that good but at least is viewable.

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