Sunday, September 02, 2007


Well jsut for fun though..

To those who wish to use my piece please at least inform me that u plan to use and ur purpose.. i dun wanna see my work being used by others n claming it to be theirs... it hurts.. it really do, felt it once back in 2ndary. After my fren read my poem, everyone liked it and althought my fren din take credit for writting it but he did get credit for using / reading such an original poem and as for me, i nvr got any credits neither from the crowd nor anyone else for that matter. But Jan, nvm u have my permission to fool around wif it. I trust u won't put me into hot water :p.

Anyway to those who have read it (my poems), please... please leave a comment n tell me how u find it. I welcome all comments and i will take them as constructive ones. So no hard feelings. And to those who've read it.. thx for reading them.

PS: Nvr thought of writing a notice like this but Jan reminded me hahaha... and btw the previous poem i wrote is in March 13, 2006 entitled "The Leech w/o CH " manage to find it after some search. It was posted after my bday celeb... another reason y i think i'm pathetic, i think i should cut down on that word... its begin to get to me hahaha



Wishing said...

ahaha i hv to say that i also kinda caught up with some shit long time ago,coz someone actually used my composed song for their own purposes(a competition) w/o my permission and tt feeling sucks!

watever it is i've forgiven tt person since we r frens,but at least i know my work pays 4 some credit,although til now no one knws tat was my PIECE of ART! =)

Leech said...

hehe.. thx for understanding. its not that i mind and all that but i just feel it would be better if it was known.. that's all.. thx for appreciating my work :p