Thursday, September 20, 2007


What you feel is not always relevant
Not until it’s out in the open
Speak from the heart and don’t you veer
Coz some things should be crystal clear
May truth is out and the truth be told
Because silence is not always gold
Speak the truth and let it be known
Coz not all things can be easily shown

Some say actions speak louder than words
But actions doesn’t always works
Actions are better when accompanied with words
It works even better if one rehearse
To tried and failed is better than never had tried at all
For all that matters just make that call

Once cat is out of the bag
There is no such thing as turning back
The ugly truth has to be told
What is left shall be unfold
During which I’ll wish for the best
If it doesn’t turn out then I’ll put it to rest

“What have I done??”
I began to regret
But the damage is beyond repent
“How could this be?”
Things get out of hand
I should just stuck to my plan

Once said nothing’s the same
Once decided the verdict remains
Good or bad I have to swallow
Just hope that I’m not that shallow
May I forgive and may I forget,
May what I’ve done I’ve no regret
All my sadness may you be gone
Because is time for me to move on
From the Pages of Pathetic Poet

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