Friday, September 21, 2007

Who am i??

Who am i in DTS? Initially i thought i was hired to do the programming thing (which i've currently stopped :p) but when i first came to job i was a troubleshooter then it felt almost like i was a shadow of Thong... and as time goes by it felt like i have more responsibilities as compared to Thong, i was doing more SSTs. Then I was in charge of the wire harness for EX1. It felt like my role in the department is kinda ambigous... i'm doing everything that is related to the department, which seems to be the right thing to do but now... Now i felt like i'm a trainer, Gan is asking me to prepare some materials on the basics of digital and there i was, working on the presentation slides.

With all these stuff i'm wondering wat is my role there in I.E.?? Wat am i suppose to fill in for my assumed responsibilities portion of my MBO??? God i'm confused...

From programming -> troubleshooter -> SST issuer -> I.E. related issue -> trainer

my question is... do i still nid to do the programming assignment?? Well ya.. but its at my own pace. But i really wanna finish it ASAP. I dun wanna have something stuck behind my back... i nid time to think ... ... ... @_@"

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