Sunday, September 09, 2007

Sick sick sick...

Again i'm down wif my usual problem.. flu then sorethroat then cough... sigh~~ its always the same thing but tis time i think it got a little worse than i expected... as i was try to spit out ht flam.. phal.. err dunno how to spell lar .. the "kahak" u know, the thick greenish or sometimes brownish stuff usually comes when u start coughing... well guess wat, tis time its neither green nor brown... it was red.. It felt really thick and when i spit it out it look kinda odd color so i turned on the light to see that its actually reddish and not the usual green o brown. I was a bit stun actually.. i was like wtf~!! My throat does felt like hell now its dry, harsh, coarse, a bit itchy and who lot more... I'm lucky that i can still speak although it dun feel good when i do talk.

Ghees.. i think i betta see the doc tmr... i dun wanna lose my "beautiful" voice ... i think its gonna b a few quiet day in the office since i won't be making fun of HW or anyone in the office... :'(

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