Saturday, September 01, 2007


U know wat... i was really hoping for some comments for that few poems i posted but there aren't any.
A little.
Erm... well coz basically i wrote all that poems, this is another personality of mine that i seldom, or should i say almost never shown to others. I usually show my poetic skills when i'm writing greeting cards coz i wanna make them special. I just used the name Pathetic Poet coz i guess i'm feeling pathetic when i was writting them so i took that name.

I begin writting poems in 2ndary skool after i wrote something for Ethan as a speech for our librarian board installation in 1999, entitled "Event of the Century" . Then again after i posted in the school magazine talking about my class mates,entitled "The Class of 5S3" which turned out to be a disaster after the skool's teachers edited it, since then I've always thought of writing poem kinda enjoyable almost as much as blogging, but the greatest problem is i nid inspiration to begin writting. I've wrote a few poems after that but usually ended up unfinished coz i just lost the "feel" somewhere in between. I posted at least one poem i wrote on my blog too it was about 8 months back if not mistaken and yes.. that was kinda a pathetic poem too so if u have time please feel free to venture into my archives and find it out.

This time its kinda different... Instead of writing my usual "1-time-wonder", i wrote 3. All while working in the office. I actually begin with "I Regret" but somehow, down the line, more and more ideas came about and i begin to write even more till the point "I Regret" almost turned into a story. So i begin to seperate them out into different pieces. Jan pointed out that sometimes when we put poems on blogs is usually when we felt that the poem can be tied to our current mood of that moment... may be its true... maybe its not... I dun know... may be~~ ^_^

haha but the key for me to finish this 3 pieces is i just keep on writing when the ideas came, even when i felt that the words are not rhyming i still kept on writing until the ideas stopped then i check for words or to improve on what i've wrote. So is it tied to my emotions?? I could only guess. I just feel like i should be more expressive nowadays, nid to learn to be sensitive to my feelings and if i have some talent then i should just flaunt it right? hehehe... ;Þ


Wishing said...

Hey one thg to ask...can i get permission,if i ever take one of ur poems to convert it into a SONG would u mind? wahaha copy right huh? tt's y i ask 1st!

coz i think that nice things has to be shared. Perhaps ur work will be recognise one day and u'll see that u're not tt inferior afterall...=)

Leech said...

haha.. well wishing, if u think its of that value then go ahead.. just remember to rememeber me later wuakakaka :p and glad that u think is nice its a nice compliment