So the question is.. which is easier?? To remember something nice that u wanna playback in ur mind forever; or to forget something that u din even wanna know ever existed. As for me... I can hardly remember how to perform a simple integration operation even thought it was a core activity in by skool days and yet i can't forget something i've told myself over n over again to forget. I can learn to "forget" how to feel and yet once i "remembered" it again, i'm unable to "forget" it again.. I've forgotten how to "forget" how to feel.. i'm unable to supress that feeling and that thought even thought i've told myself to do so. Haha.. anyway that's just an example dun take dat too seriously but its kinda nice to have that skill again, coz there r just times where u just dun wan ur emotions to cloud ur judgement. I just to be able to make stern judgement w/o being effected by my emotions but now, its getting harder by the day .. sigh~~
Anyone of u have an idea on how to forget things that u wanna forget and remember those things that u wanna remember?? Any 'tested n proven' methods?? Care to share :p ...
I wanna forget.... i wanna forget ... I WANNA FORGET~~~~ but i can't... hahah :p
edited on 25/9/07 at 1243
ahaha,well i dun hv an exact way. but u'r doing integration (meaning adding together) so u'll never be able to forget? (well it's jus a joke!)
try doing some deviation instead? diverge urself to something else thn perhaps by thn u'll b able to FORGET things that u wanna FORGET!!!
Well not proven for anyone,but it works for me?Doing other things to occupied my mind and soul.gotto add some force as well...
The human mind is a complex things, u tend to remember things u wanna forget n forget things u should remember. I guess that's y human r emotional cretures. Our memory is also govern by our emotions... And its not like u r able to focus on something and not to thing something else, our memory is like those pesky internet pop-ups too... it just pop up as a reminder that its still there even usually when u least expected :p
anyway i'm currently focus on my assignment so may be... just may be, it'll work hahaha :p
u can control ur mind if u want is only hard to forget when u urslf dun hv the determination and will to do so.
Although it'll still b a part of our memory...BUT it's just the jus let it be, even if it pops up once in a while! it shld not affect u too much?
haha... i guess i'm not the same person i used to anymore. the me of yesteryears should be able to do tis with relative ease easily but to the humanise me of today... ... hehee... #shy# hehe
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